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Harmony is an installation from the exhibition "I Stood at the Border: Im/Migrant Voices Retold," a showing that examines conversations surrounding Im/migration. Inspired by novelist Toni Morrison's statement "I stood at the border, stood at the edge and claimed it my central", participating designers developed individual statements addressing the experience of im/migrating.

As a fan of arts, culture, and media, I drifted towards Jazz. A genuine interest in different kinds of music intertwined with a diverse environment and upbringing, inspired me to create work that demonstrates the connection between people that im/migrate to and in America, to American Jazz music. 


Harmony: Part 1 and 2

Harmony: Part 3 and 4


“America is a melting pot of sound; a mixture of rhythms from people and places far and wide. Music is a reflection of this, jazz in particular is a mashup, celebrating the people of this nation coming together in harmony. Jazz is America’s love story- the result of migration.

The evidence lies within the sound. The different syncopated rhythms that come together from unity and sometimes pain create harmony. Its proof of lack of complete assimilation or isolation when one migrates in a new place that makes us have an effect on one another. Its proof that harmony is possible and there is growth from that.”

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