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The MyKlovr App is targeted to High School Students to make sure they are on the right track to being enrolled into their College or University of choice. The app has a database that keeps a list of all possible schools that the student wishes to apply to. From there, the app maintains the list of schools that the student wishes to enroll in. Based on the students grades, extra curricular activities, test scores, and affiliations, etc..the student and their parents will then be able to see if they are on the right track for successful enrollment.

I designed the NCAA portion of the app, where students that are affiliated with the NCAA can check their status of eligibility based off of the NCAA requirements. There are two separate divisions within the NCAA that have different requirements for eligibility, one for Division I students and another for Division II students. The user has to see how their qualifications are and aren't being met. This requires some type of visual graphic that portrays their status of NCAA Eligibility or non Eligibility.

MyKlovr (NCAA) Prototype 




I first started off by jotting down the most important information there is to have in each section and thought of the language I could use that will catch the users attention but also be simple and easy to understand. I used bar graphs to illustrate the users status for eligibility because it allows the user to see if they are making progress and what changes can be made if they are not satisfied with their results. Before choosing the bar graphs in the final design, the Project Manager and I had to make sure the graphs fit for each criteria under the NCAA requirements. There is also a drop down menu that permits the user to select their division and a call to action button that will take the user to their Eligibility status. Once they're in the Eligibility section, they will be able to quickly see their progress.

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