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AIGA Design for Democracy


AIGA Design for Democracy is a campaign that encourages designers to design a poster or gif to get the public encouraged to vote. Design for Democracy's mission is to apply design tools and thinking to increase civic participation and it is also based on the premise that good design makes your choices clear. Before knowing which direction I wanted to go in for this campaign I did some research and discovered many young people are not voting. Regardless of that, there is a significant increase of young people protesting and voicing their political views. This encouraged me to target this campaign towards young adults.


I Illustrated four different characters and placed them in four different scenes. Two out of the four characters are dressed in red and blue to represent the two independent political parties. Three out of the four scenes pair the characters with an element of protest; a poster, megaphone, and walkway. The final scene shows the characters holding a piece of paper to mimic a ballot.

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