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The Mobile Maker Center is a child friendly environment that encourages play to learn for children. The center observes child behavior for better learning solutions and gathering data. Liz Bonawitz, Patrick Shafto, and Vanessa LoBue fused their passion of researching how children learn by teaming up on a two-year $300K National Science Foundation (NSF) grant—along with a $75K Rutgers University-Newark (RU-N) Chancellor’s SEED grant—to create a Mobile Maker Center (MMC) to deepen their understanding of this important topic, connecting them with diverse communities in Greater Newark while bolstering STEM learning. Students and faculty met with the the trio at Express Newark to create a brand identity system.


I built a brand identity system that is child friendly so it is does not come off intimidating to the children and is also welcoming to the parents and guardians. Inspired by the Mobile Maker Center itself, I used the shape of the Center’s Lego like building blocks and broke it down to a simple form of a rectangle. The rectangles stack on top of each other to form the logo. The logos are flexible and can change in width and color that mimic the colors of the center. I also created an alphabet so the identity system can be used in multiple ways. This identity system came to be known as “Bitmap built.” 

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“Bitmap Built” has primary and secondary logos. The primary logos have one font weight based off of the alphabet from the brand extension, while the secondary logo font weights are interchangeable. Emoticons were created with the same blocks to portray emotion; inspired by the nature of children in a learning environment.

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